Modern Medicine, Old-Fashioned Care

Holistic Pet Care Therapies Are Natural and Effective Options

Holistic pet care therapies are a good match for pet parents seeking more natural and effective choices for the overall wellness of their pet. The blending of conventional medicine and holistic pet care therapies offers pet parents customized care for their unique pet. Healing is focused on the individual pet rather than a standardized approach to treating a disease.

Holistic pet care therapies include:holistic pet care

  • Veterinary acupuncture
  • Herbal remedies
  • Homeopathy
  • Nutritional counseling and targeted supplements
  • Cold laser

“Doylestown Veterinary Hospital has been integrating holistic modalities like acupuncture and laser therapy with our conventional offerings for some time, and we recently expanded our holistic services to provide therapeutic options that improve the lives of our patients,” said Dr. Laura Weis, who owns Doylestown Veterinary Hospital & Holistic Pet Care with her husband Dr. Randy Weis.

The benefits of these holistic pet care therapies for dogs and cats can include:

  • Reducing or eliminating side effects from conventional medications
  • Improving pain management and mobility for aging pets
  • Addressing chronic diseases through improved healing, and strengthening of the immune system
  • Reducing healthcare costs over the life of your pet

holistic pet careAcupuncture is one aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine that can be applied to veterinary medicine in the same way by promoting the body to heal itself naturally. Tiny acupuncture needles are inserted into the skin where nerve bundles and blood vessels are located—called acupuncture or energy points—to improve blood circulation, oxygen flow, nerve stimulation, and the release of hormones that help relieve inflammation and pain.

As part of an integrative approach to veterinary care, herbal medicine can stand alone in the treatment of chronic and acute illnesses, or complement conventional medicine. Herbal therapy in veterinary medicine has a long history of effective and safe treatment for a variety of conditions and illnesses including: skin allergies, digestive disorders, heart disease, and pain management. Herbal medicine utilizes naturally occurring active ingredients found in either whole plants or their parts to offer therapeutic influence in the body.

Doylestown Veterinary Hospital now offers homeopathy as part of its focus on offering clients a choice of holistic pet care therapies. Homeopathic veterinary medicine helps the body to heal rather than to suppress symptoms of disease. The use of conventional medicines can be associated with toxic side effects. By contrast, homeopathy is a gentler approach to healing. The body is presented with a set of symptoms similar to the natural disease process which triggers the body’s natural defenses to heal, especially when treating a chronic disease.

“Homeopathy can help almost every patient, and we can especially see the dramatic life improvements it can create in young dogs and cats. As a profession, veterinarians see more and more young pets with early chronic disease issues such as allergies, skin disease and orthopedic problems. I know there are pet parents who are looking for something different from conventional veterinary care,” added Dr. Weis.

If you’d like to meet with Dr. Weis about a homeopathic approach to care for your dog or cat, or you are interested in learning more about our other holistic pet care therapies, call 215-345-6000.
