Pet wellness focuses on the overall health of your dog or cat during its lifetime and prevents illness and disease. Vaccinations protect your pets from serious infections and diseases as well as promote wellness throughout the pet community by avoiding dangerous...
Modern Medicine, Old-Fashioned Care
Doylestown Veterinary Hospital Blog
FAST FACTS: Pet Fire Safety
In 2009, the American Kennel Club and ADT Security launched National Pet Fire Safety Day to educate pet owners about the potential risks of leaving pet home alone and how to ensure their safety. National Pet Fire Safety Day is now observed every July 15th. The AKC...
FAST FACTS: Leave Your Pet at Home and NEVER in a Locked Car!
SPREAD THE MESSAGE: Leaving a dog or cat in an unattended car is extremely dangerous and possibly deadly. The inside of a car—with the windows cracked open—can reach over 100 degrees on a 75 degree day within 30 minutes. (Likewise, pets can freeze to death in a cold...
FAST FACTS Heat Stroke: Causes & Symptoms
Heat stroke is a severe increase in body temperature above the average range that the body is unable to handle. Heatstroke can result in multiple-organ failure and possible death within 15 minutes. FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO HEAT STROKE Excessive heat and humidity...
FAST FACTS: Enrichment & Exercise for Indoor Cats
Indoor cats are great pets because their solitary ways and ability to use a litter box make them easy companions. But don’t let that fool you into thinking they don’t need mental stimulation and exercise too. Felines may be domesticated but their instinctive needs...
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